Friday, January 6, 2012

Simple Teachings from Yoga Vasishta

The knowledge of the Self is the fire that burns up the dry grass of desire. This indeed is what is called samadhi, not mere abstention from speech.

He who realizes that the whole universe is really nothing but consciousness and remains quite calm is protected by the armor of Brahman; he is happy.

Just as birds and beasts do not take shelter on a mountain on fire, so also evil (thoughts) never occur to a knower of Brahman.

Firmly convinced of non-duality and enjoying perfect mental peace, yogis go about their work seeing the world as if it were a dream.


Yoga Vasishta

Thoughts on Control of Mind from Yoga Vasishta

The mind, tainted by desire and aversion, contributes to worldly life; the very mind, stripped of them, is said to bring it to an end.

It is mind that is creator of the world. Mind is the real person. That what is done by the mind is considered as really done and not that which is done by the body only.

Except through the extinction of the mind brought about by the renunciation of the desired object – which is within a person’s capacity to do – there is no way to attain the plane of beatitude.

Summoning up your will, by reducing the mind to nought, rise to the supreme state where there is none – neither you nor anyone else.

Yoga Vasishta